About Us

Your mind is easily one of the most valuable asset God has given. Yet it continues to be the most underutilized wealth of all times. The poverty of a man resides not entirely upon the lack of economic possibilities but heavily upon the health and wealth of his mind. There are many undiscovered realities simply because of a mind breach. This is where restoration of the breach becomes paramount. The school Restoration of the Breach finds its foundation in the book of Isaiah 58:12-a call from God to repair the places that are breached. There are many breaches that hound humans today and this school’s mandate is to provide as best as possible the tools needed for restoration. Like mind renewal, restoration is a journey and not an event.

More about Mind Renewal

  • What to expect

    There are many breaches that hound humans today and this school’s mandate is to provide as best as possible the tools needed for restoration. Our first course offered is Mind Renewal. Mind Renewal- MR1 is a nine weeks course which covers topics such as: 1: Coexisting in the present and the future 2: The Promised Word, 3: Praying vs commanding, 4: Word Seed, 5: Cracked Performers 6: Victory Beyond the Barriers, 7: A Better Me, 8: Beauty of Scars, 9: Your Next. The course is heavily dependent upon your desire for change, which means you will have to invest personal time and honesty in realizing the required transformation. You are your examiner. The course will utilize the main text book- Mind Renewal Biblical Secrets to a Better You by Rev. Leostone Morrison, PDF lectures, videos, discussion boards, assignments and personal journals. Each video must be watched and assignment done before proceeding. The cost of the complete course is $100 US.

  • Live Sessions

    Each module must be completed within the week it is offered. There are one live session via Zoom for each module. This is on Mondays @ 8pm to 10 pm.

  • Counselling

    There are three counsellors attached to the school. They are available to assist students who are confronted with issues during the duration of the course.


Let's hear what they had to say

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Rev. Leostone is a graduate of the Jamaica Theological Seminary, Victory Bible School and I AM (International Accelerated Missions). He is the author of more than ten books and the founder of Restoration of the Breach Without Borders Global. He is a Trainer of trainers in ART (Aggression Replacement Training).

Video TestimonialsPast students
